Tuesday, October 19, 2010

But Why …..

Recently I had a “but why?...” session with one of my dear friend. We kinda had a fallout in between, where we weren’t talking to each other, reasons which were given – that we were busy with our work, no time for socialising, but the ugly truth was that my male ego was clashing with her “perfect” feminine ego/ attitude. Now why this war of egos, lets not get into that.

So one fine day I decided to kill my ego and make the 1st move. For a few days we chatted normally. Now since we were getting back to being comfortable with each other again, the sharing part started, where in both parties share everything which is going on in their lives: mostly the crap stuff, how life is a bitch and the usual. So after few such sessions, she asks me, “Kartik, why do you like me so much that you always come back & show faith in our relation? Why is that whenever anything happens I’m the 1st one to freak out & go in a shell? Why is that you always stand by me? Why is it that, you always come back for me even when I’m mean, selfish, inconsiderate towards you. Even when I hurt you? What have I done to deserve such unconditional love & commitment from people I hurt the most?” (okk so madam wants some attention now, some buttering, some nice words about her so that her feminine ego doesn’t remain bruised :P )

Now there are those “whys” which sometimes don’t have any answers. I tried my best to reason out stuff with her, but couldn’t put up a solid argument. I described certain incidents which are very dear to me, & due to which, have made her dear to me. Still she wasn’t satisfied (as is the case with all the descendants of Venus, this coding has been embedded in their chip right from birth & the code is based on some complex matrix coding, so hard to break :P). Anyways, I moved on by putting my full logic & reasoning to test, but could get half the answer to the question.

I guess there are no answers to certain “whys”. When you connect with a person, there can be many reasons, & some are unexplained. Why you keep going back to that person – well may be because the time you have spent together, the thoughts which you have shared, your matching wavelengths, something which the other person has done for you, or how you feel for that person. Well there are lot of reasons, but none conclusive. May be this is the reason why people are heartbroken after a breakup.

These “whys” have been around for a long time & will be around, it’s up to us how we deal with them. Some might get answered, some will remain a mystery. But the quest will always be on until time gets the best of us. BUT WHY!!!! …..


Purva said...

could have been more interestingly written..!!! seems a bit half hazard...
could somehow connect to a few questions..!! As you rightly say it from the beginning some 'whys' are BEST NOT ANSWERED... :)
Just let it be they will get sorted out for sure...

kartik kulkarni said...

thanks for ur comment ...
have kept it half hazard coz da topic is like dat ... no definite answer ...

Purva said...

Agreed totally...!! the writing looks half hazard... not the end...!!
But could have been more compassionately written... :)
good going though!

Unknown said...

was dis written in a hurry..? hurry to get everything in ur head, out? coz it seems that way..
but excellent topic...altho m sure quite a few ppl will disagree with d bracketed comments.. :P
all in all, naaaice! :)

Kaustubh said...

Sorry to break the news Kartik, but I have seen you do better. I dont want to be overly critical, but your thoughts are scattered all over the place. I was confused and left trying to figure out where things are going. Haphazard is the right word to use here, and when I turned to the comments, Purva has rightly pointed it out.

Maybe this episode had you thinking too many things at the same time, but the reader would want it as a simple re-telling. A little more backgound on the two people in the story would have helped, maybe some more elaboration on the "incidents" that you mentioned.

All in all good attempt but I know you can do better. Channelize your thoughts properly, invite the readers into your world and then tell a story they will remember for a long time.

Finally, please do away with the slang and 'kewl' language and stick to the classic english grammar that you learnt in school. It has its own charm when things are put on paper.

Unknown said...

Gud attempt buddy...I liked it...
Somehow i understand "why" you restricted urself frm elaborating d topic...

Bt i guess its kinda fine dis way coz wen these things happen u r in similar unstable state or even worse...
Also I can figure out dat though d blog was 4 d public, it actually was meant 4 a few people 2 understand...

I donno d technicalities about writing n stuff bt while reading, felt a similar sort of confusion n instability which usually happens...

Jst one suggestion KK -"Don't stop ur self frm writing nethng..." and incase if u feel d need 2 edit a lot(coz u cant showcase it publicly) den don't share but b honest wid ur blogs...
"Probably u were a little conscious dis tym..."

kartik kulkarni said...

@ all : thanks a lot for ur comments n da critic. will definitely keep them in mind ....

this blog was written in da different state of mind, n wanted it to come out like dat .... sadly its not in a smooth flow ... but i guess my thought process was like dat ... but didnt wanna edit it ... sometimes things r best left unedited ...

@ KSP : i knw its nt my best, but its my portrait of wateva happnd , although i do understand n accept wat u mean. jst regarding the use of language, it jst went wid da flow. jst didnt wanna fine tune it to sound politically incorrect, which i guess sometimes is ok .... :D

@ deepu: thanks a lot man.... good to knw & happy dat u understood wat i meant :)... will keep ur suggestions in mind.

once again thanks to everyone :)
next post coming soon .....